toilet, Aeon mall, Kyoto
it looks toilet. What is it explaining?
street, Kyoto
what does Japanese words say ?
shop in Kyoto sta.
what does it say? please translate
taxi, Kyoto
I found it on the back of front sheet .…
restaurant, Aeonmall, Kyoto
what does it say? Someone please translate the Japanese
Big ad poster inside Kyoto sta.
What is it ? please translate the Japanese
long line, Kyoto sta.
I saw the long line inside Kyoto sta. Is it…
Garbage can, Aeonmall, Kyoto
someone please translate the Japanese in the photo
traveling service, Kyoto sta.
Looks they are providing some services for travelers. please translate…
bus, Aeonmall, Kyoto
someone please translate the Japanese
restaurant, Aeon mall, Kyoto
please somebody translate the Japanese
Shinto shrine, Kyoto
shrine's name, please help translate. I visited it last winter