explanation on the locker, Odawara station
i want to use the locker. What is it saying?
explanation board on the stone wall, Ueda castle
Can anybody translate the Japanese ?
explanation poster at the transfer entrance, Atsugi station
Can anyone translate the explanation?
explanation under menu, small shop at Haruna shinto shrine
Likewise, there is explanation written in Japanese under the menu.…
explanation board, station covenience store at Takasaki Station
What is it saying in Japanese?
explanation on platform, Odakyu station
What is it telling us? Warning ?
explanation board, Nirazaki station
what is written on it ?
explanation board at platform, Kami-Suwa station
what is it explaining there?
a explanation stand, Suwa Taisha
i think it explains something about the shinto building. please…
explanation board, small shop in Suwa Taisha
What does it say? Someone please translate?